
His Holiness Swamiji has removed the veil of darkness and the mystery of Pranayam is unfolding itself to the common mass in India. People have suffered a lot from various diseases and some had also embraced death although this magic science of Pranayam existed in India confined only to some Text Books in techniques best known to their authors. They ever targeted the welfare of common mass. The Pranayam as taught by His HolinessSwami Ramdevji Maharaj consists of the following eight breathing exercises in sequence.
1. Bhastrika pranayam
2. Kapal Bhati Pranayam
3. Bahaya pranayam
4. Anulom Vilom Pranayam
5. Ujjai Pranayam
6. Bhramri Pranayam
7. Udgeeth Pranayam
8. Pranav Pranayam (Concentration on Breathing)
In addition, His Holiness also advises Agnisaar after Kapal Bhati Pranayam to all particularly those who are incapable of performing Bahaya Pranayam because of several reasons including poor health.