Pranayam Revolution

Efforts made by Patanjali Yogpeeth has now led to the wider acceptance of yoga as countless people realized that their serious ailments were getting cured with the practice of Pranayam. Today people of every age, segment, caste and religion have made yoga part of their daily routine. Indeed it is an incredible phenomenon when people from all walks of life have accepted culture and tradition of yoga. It is also true that untill yoga is fully backed by clinically controlled trial, some selfish, prejudiced people will continue to indulge in the politics of allegations and counter allegations. However, such controversies indirectly help in promoting yoga. Whatever experiments we have done so far, prove that yoga can be a solution for all the problems of the world. Experiments, results, analysis, and preseverence constitute the process of reaching the truth. We are committed to establish yoga and Ayurveda on international platform as an evidencebased part of medical science.
Besides commoners, senior politicians, administrators, senior judges, media and management professionals have learned yoga directly from Swami Ramdevji Maharaj. Many states have made yoga education compulsory in schools. Defence personnel, police officers, and others from related fields have learnt Pranayam and are making efforts to introduce it in their system. Swamiji has been instrumental in integrating world’s spiritual and virtuous strengths.
An ambitious plan is being implemented to give yoga an international platform. Trained yoga teachers of Patanjali Yogpeeth are giving free yoga education in several countries including UK and USA. In almost every district of India, Patanjali yoga training committees have been formed and are working with complete dedication and devotion. Around five to 10 lakh main and assistant yoga teachers will be ready to take charge by the end of 2007 and 2008. We can together achieve the goal of building a healthy India and world. Daily practice of yoga not only gives good health but also develops healthy thoughts, attitude, positive mind and develops good qualities. We believe that very soon yoga would become a part of international culture and the whole world will accept Indian philosophy of life supported by scientific evidence. We Indians should take pride in the fact that wider acceptance of yoga will also pave the way to world peace and welfare. yoga will help in creating a healthy, sensitive society, nation and world.
A healthy and sensitive mind and body will be free from all kinds of violence, casteism, regionalism, communal differences and gradually there shall be more of harmony, love, peace, humanism, sense of service, empathy and tolerance in this world. There will be heaven on earth. The integration of science with spiritualism will reduce the negative impact of development. Swamiji is carrying on his yoga revolution guided by the principle of – Sarvey Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarvey Santu Niramaya that is may everyone be happy and disease-free. Nobody should feel insecure or be poor. Swamiji is executing this mission through yoga camps, so far more than hundred camps have been organized in India and abroad. The main objective of these camps is to make the whole mankind healthy, free of pain, suffering and diseases. Swamiji has a dream that of seeing to see India regaining its old status of a world mentor and to guide people in recognizing their ultimate goal and in realizing their full potential. There is nothing human in conquering the world with muscle and money power. The main thought behind the concept of a world mentor is that India should continue its work to propagate human values and should lead and protect the people who are oppressed and suffering because of all sorts of reasons.
There could be no other sublime objective than the objective of building a ‘Healthy India and Healthy World'. Swamiji is working tirelessly towards this objective by bringing yoga to every individual in this world which is not only a difficult but almost impossible task. Though print and electronic media have played a major role in disseminating knowledge of yoga throughout the world, it also promotes negative aspects of life like violence, lust and crime that go contrary to the cocepts of yoga. However it is heartening to point out that media in general has displayed a very positive approach in extending yoga to each and every individual.
Swamiji is committed to the welfare of not only Indians but of the humanity in general and has made a great progress in his mission. His in-depth discourses on issues relevant to today's life and his knowledge of how to lead an ideal life based on Vedic principles and to develop one’s life in totality - are a source of inspiration and motivation for the mankind. He is a yogai, an ascetic who has selected the path of yoga to relieve the mankind from suffering, depression and tension. He does not aim for profits like multinational companies which only aim for profits and he is not acting out of selfish interests to mislead or confuse people. Revered Swamiji has organized yoga camps in almost all the big cities of India and also overseas in UK and USA and plans to do it world wide. Besides Swamiji has addressed and trained thousands in various yoga camps organized in schools, colleges, jails and as part of social and spiritual programmes. In the next few months Swamiji Maharaj plans to hold yoga camps in UK, USA, Canada, Thailand (Bangkok), Dubai (UAE), Indonesia, Mauritious, Holland, Kenya, Uganda, Yugoslavia, Tanzania and Nepal. Swamiji's yoga revolution has reached almost all the nations of the world through electronic media, various magazines and newspapers and through his own publications. 

Since ancient times, sages have been saying: Sharirmadhyam Khaludharam Sadhnam, i.e. be it work or pleasure, it is possible only through a healthy body. Modern medical science also considers prevention to be the primary step towards good health. Therefore it is necessary to make yoga a part of daily routine. It is true that is cause of illness some may have the means to benefit from the big hospitals and be able to afford the huge cost. But 65 percent of Indian population and a large number of people in other countries who cannot even think of seeking expensive medical treatment, have been blessed with life-saving medicine in the form of yoga. It is also a blessing for those who are well off but are almost dead as they suffer from incurable diseases. They have the resources but do not know what treatment to take. yoga and Pranayam have prevented people from getting into such dismal situations. yoga offers a recourse for those who have lost hope, it opens a new path when all other paths are closed.
Just walk in into any yoga camps of Swami Ramdevji and you can experience the unity in diversity of this country. The people gathered might be wearing different clothes but the hearts feel the same, features could be different but the minds think the same, interests can be different but creativity is the same. You can see people of all ages, religions, community, caste, and class mingling together and striving for one common goal of achieving good health through yoga. It will be difficult to experience such a fascinating sight anywhere else except at Swamiji’s yoga camp. Rich and poor, men and women, young and old all come in huge numbers to gain some knowledge from Swamiji. People start queuing up in front of the venue in the wee hours, they start arriving very early to secure a place in yoga camps. When it is usually time to go to sleep, people start getting ready to reach the camp. The enthusiasm, the curiosity is worth seeing.

You can see a little girl holding her grandmother’s hand and a grandfather could be seen carrying his grandson on the shoulders to the yoga camp. These are just a few instances to give you a feel of our camps. If you get into a traffic jam even on a usually deserted road, it must be that a large number of people could be rushing to a yoga camp or coming back from it. Even in a country like England, where people wake up late in the morning, thousands of cars and vehicles can be seen stranded on the roads in the wee hours, it is a sure sign that Swamiji’s camp must be on somewhere nearby. These scenes incidences cannot be expressed in words, nor captured in pictures. However, we are presenting a few pictures here to show of millions of people who come to listen and catch the glimpses of a saint.

Some of the top personalities of the world including social workers, intellectuals, actors industrialists, bureaucrats, political leaders, have come together at one common platform of yoga leaving behind their competition and differences. Whenever Swamiji's yoga camps are organized the very important
inhabitants of the that particular city are always present at the venue. If they have not been able to attend the camp due to some unavoidable reasons then they have contacted Swamiji and learnt yoga in the privacy of their homes. Swamiji's efforts have attracted the famous personalities of not only India but also the world. It is only because of his worldwide yoga movement that today various international organizations are inviting him for various projects. Many top personalities of the nation and abroad including First citizen of India, honourable President, Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Vice-President Bhairon Singh Shekhawat, Noble Prize Winner Harry Croto, Britain's Health Minister, Patricia Hewitt have discussed yoga in detail with Swamiji. UNESCO has invited Swamiji to participate in its povertyeradication programs

Shri N.D.Tiwari, Former Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, laying the foundation stone for Patanjali University at Hardwar

Acharya Balkrishnaji with Thailand's Defence Minister Boonrat Somtat

Swami Ramdevji representing India at 'Stand Up Appeal Against Poverty' organised by UN at Times Square, New York

Swami Ramdevji with Nobel Prize Winner Prof. Hary Croto at a 'Live Scientific Dialogue' organized by ASSOCHAM

Children are the future of the nation, they are the backbone of our nation, if we inculcate good values and virtues in them from a young age then we can certainly reach great
heights. They should be taught about our rich culture, and we should teach them the harmful effects of ddiction like alcohol, drugs, fast food, junk food, cold drinks and how the nation's wealth can be conserved. If children are healthy, the nation will also be healthy. Swamiji organizes special camps for children with this objective in mind. The presence of children in these camps has been between 25 thousand to 1.25 lakh in 100 camps organized at different places, which has given direct benefit to more than 50-60 thousand lakh children. We are confident that if children practise yoga along with their grandparents, then nobody can stop India from getting back its status of the World Mentor. Today several millions of children are learning yoga from Swamiji. We are presenting a few pictures here to show the overwhelming response from children. Swamiji's efforts have inspired children towards patriotism, culture and balanced diet. They will definitely be able to control the temptation for junk food and cold drinks.Children are the future of the nation, they are the backbone of our nation, if we inculcate good values and virtues in them from a young age then we can certainly reach great heights. They should be taught about our rich culture, and we should teach them the harmful effects of addiction like alcohol, drugs, fast food, junk food, cold drinks and how the nation's wealth can be conserved. If children are healthy, the nation will also be healthy. Swamiji organizes special camps for children with this objective in mind. The presence of children in these camps has been between 25 thousand to 1.25 lakh in 100 camps organized at different places, which has given direct benefit to more than 50-60 thousand lakh children. We are confident that if children practise yoga along with their grandparents, then nobody can stop India from getting back its status of the World Mentor. Today several millions of children are learning yoga from Swamiji. We are presenting a few pictures here to show the overwhelming response from children. Swamiji's efforts have inspired children towards patriotism, culture and balanced diet. They will definitely be able to control the temptation for junk food and cold drinks.

Yoga for Defence Personnel

Soldiers guard the borders of our nation and work for more than 16 hours a day. They are supposed to be alert and vigilant all the time and have to brave tough weather conditions. Moreover, they do not see their families for several months together and yet they are committed to protect the motherland. They are indeed fortunate as they have the chance to serve the motherland. But it is also true that incidences of irresponsibility are increasing in police, defence force or any other system associated with security of the nation. They are breaking down under intense stress and driven to suicide making their families helpless. Those who are supposed to make the society free of terror and war, are themselves plagued by, insecurity and depression. The only resource to change the heart, attitude of these people is yoga. Swamiji has organized yoga camps in different institutions associated with police and defence. He has aroused the feelings of patriotism and tried to relieve defence personnel from mental tension and physical ailments. Today, thousands of defence personnel are participating in these activities. Here are a few glimpses. Swami Ramdevji teaching yoga to the Border Security Force personnel

Yoga in Prisons: Transforming the Criminal

If a person commits crime knowingly or unknowingly he or she is imprisoned subsequently if the person’s inner consciousness motivates him to do some good work for the society, humanity or the nation then probably this would be the greatest gift for the mankind. The main objective of punishment is to bring about improvement. If this

process takes place through self-realization then it would transform a person's life. Swamiji has made a beginning in this direction. When a criminal will look within in the light of yoga, it is sure to bring about positive change in their attitude towards life. Swamiji believes that it is necessary to look at negative aspects of a criminal humanely in order to establish peaceful society. When the society and individual will be free from criminal attitude then problems like terrorism, robbery, dacoity, murders, kidnapping will reduce. Swami Ramdevji Maharaj has organized yoga camps in different prisons including Tihar Central Jail, New Delhi. He has brought terrorists and criminals on the platform of yoga and aroused the feeling of patriotism in their hearts. The result being that today the prisoners are giving yoga training to their fellow inmates Prisoners

No one can't help admiring the simplicity of the techniques for practicing the different PRANAYAM (controlled breathing) which His Holiness Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj has evolved and has been teaching to the common mass in India. One finds the methods taught by His Holiness Swamiji very simple for any lay person to pick up and follow. It is the simplicity in the technique that is making Pranayam a part of life to' common man. Pranayam were there in Text Books for long time but, no one from the common mass in India did have access to it for the techniques for practicing them were very complex. There were also some words of caution attached to such instructions, as "any deviation from the practicing techniques would cause immense harm to a person". This gave birth to an idea that Pranayam should never be attempted to be practiced individually and should only be practiced in the guidance and vigil of a trained Yoga teacher (Guru). Such rigid rules, complexity in practicing techniques and above all the caution that, any deviation in the practicing techniques would cause immense harm to the person, took Pranayam far away from common mass and was finally lost and buried. No one dared to practice such an art which would cause harm to them if there is even a slightest of deviation in the technique. His Holiness Swamiji has done a tremendous job in breaking this concept of fear in common mass about the harm caused by Pranayam. His Holiness has devised very simple techniques for practicing the Pranayam which are very easily picked up by any common man just by watching the T.V. His Holiness Swami Ji has also assured the common mass that Pranayam can never cause harm to any person attempting to practice individually. His Holiness Swamiji has exhumed the Indian ancestral science of Pranayam from the grave of darkness, fear and monopoly of a few and presented it in its simplest from for the welfare of the mankind.
His Holiness Swamiji has removed the veil of darkness and the mystery of Pranayam is unfolding itself to the common mass in India. People have suffered a lot from various diseases and some had also embraced death although this magic science of Pranayam existed in India confined only to some Text Books in techniques best known to their authors. They ever targeted the welfare of common mass. The Pranayam as taught by His HolinessSwami Ramdevji Maharaj consists of the following eight breathing exercises in sequence.
1. Bhastrika pranayam
2. Kapal Bhati Pranayam

3. Bahaya pranayam

4. Anulom Vilom Pranayam

5. Ujjai Pranayam

6. Bhramri Pranayam

7. Udgeeth Pranayam

8. Pranav Pranayam (Concentration on Breathing)

In addition, His Holiness also advises Agnisaar after Kapal Bhati Pranayam to all particularly those who are incapable of performing Bahaya Pranayam because of several reasons including poor health.