
The Kripalu Bagh Ashram on the blessed land next to the holy Ganges, was built in 1932 by the scholarly erudite and God realized Param Pujya Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj.
Concomitant with this noble struggle, Swami Kripalu Dev Ji along with another great 
spiritualist Swami Shraddhanand, who was the founder of the pure and chaste Hindus traditions of the “GURUKUL KANGRI”, organized a movement of rejuvenation of pristine Indian ancient traditions and renaissance of its glorious and hoary past whereby the country, its religion and all related aspects, covered by the gathering dust of centuries neglect, were rediscovered and extolled. It was the place where the great patriots like Sh. Rash Bihari Bose had taken shelter during their operations for freedom movements.
Saint Shri Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj was succeeded by his illustrious disciple Pujya Swami Shri Shankar Dev Ji Maharaj, well conversant with Vedic knowledge and an ardent advocate of noble human values. Swami ji founded the Trust in 1995 along with his group of disciples; yet another Philanthropist Pujya Swami Ram Dev Ji Maharaj who has dedicated his presence to augment the haloed traditions of the trust based on selfless service and dedicated quest for excellence in education, vedic learning and promotion of nationalism; he is joined by an energetic soul with an intense spirit of service, Acharya Balkrishna Ji
New Building of Kripalu Bagh Ashram 
Maharaj, also a great spiritualist & great scholar of Ayurveda and an established name in Vedic philosophy Swami Muktanand ji Maharaj Science Graduate, Vyakaranacharya along with other disciples continue to exalt the traditions and enrich the future with what the trust had enshrined and achieved in its glorious preceding years.

Pillars of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) & Patanjali Yogpeeth(Trust)
Swami Shankar Dev is Patron and Founder Trustee of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) and Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust).
Born in 1930 in Almora district of Uttarakhand, he was very much keen to become a samnyasi from the very beginning of his life. He always participate in Satsanga of Sadhus and samnyasis. At the age of 15 years, in 1945, he abandoned/renounced his home with a group of samnyasis and travelled with them to various tirthas and reached Hardwar. He come in contract of great Saint Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Mahajraj in Hardwar. He is a direct disciple of Swami Kripalu Dev Ji Maharaj. He took sanyas diksha from Swami Inder Dev on Ganga Dashera 1958.
Since February 1968, he is living in Vishva Gyan Mandir [Known as Kripalu Bag Ashram : Registered Office of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)]. This is a very sacred place as it is Taposthali of Swami Kripalu Dev ji Maharaj- his guru and an active worker of freedom struggle of India.
Swami Shankar Dev is a spiritual personality. He is guru of world known Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj. Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj took sanyas diksha from Swami ji in 1995.
He actively participates in all the activities of Ashram and Trust also.

Yogarṣi Swami Ramdevji was born to Smt. Gulab Devi and Shri Ram Niwas in a village of Haryana. He had his early education in a village school. At the age of 14 he was admitted to the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) where under the blessed tutelage of Ācārya Shri Baldevji he studied Sanskrit and Yoga, and earned a postgraduate (Ācārya) degree with specialization in Sanskrit Vyākaraṇa, Yoga, Darśana, Vedas and Upaniṣads, later he was very much inspired by the life and writings of Maharṣi Dayanand and he thoroughly studied Satyārtha Prakāśa, Ṛgvedādibhāṣyabhūmikā etc. Along-side the magnetism of Maharṣi. Patañjali as an exponent of Yoga, Sanskrit Grammar and Āyurveda continued to exert its influence on him.
Quite early in his life he had his goals cut out for him, so he chose the path of celibacy and asceticism. After doing a stint of teaching Yoga, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī and Patañjali’s Mahabhāṣya at Gurukuls, he set out on his journey to the Gangotri caves of lofty Himalayas, away from the distractions of mundane activities.
Through deep meditation and ascetic discipline and penance he was able to develop a clear vision of the work to be done by him:
1. Propagation of yoga and Āyurveda, and
2. reforming the social, political and economic system of India.
And then luckily he met with Ācārya Balkrishna, a kindred soul and a schoolmate, who was out there on a similar quest. They came together to launch upon this stupendous task from scratch.
Swami ji took upon himself the onerous responsibility of demystifying and popularizing Patañjali’s Yoga, while Āchāryaji devoted himself to the task of restoring people’s faith in the efficacy of āyurvedic system of medicine. Swamiji’s main focus is on making the people of India as well as of the whole world adopts yoga and Āyurveda as their lifestyle. His approach to treating ailments and disorders in pragmatic, undogmatic and non-sectarian. All persons whether Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or Christian, have the same anatomy and physiology. Therefore they can all benefit from yoga and auyrvedic therapy. He has explained in detail the benefits accruing from yoga in his two popular hindi books on the subject:

1. Yoga Sādhanā evam Yoga Chikitsā Rahasya, 2. Prāṇāyāma Rahasya.
In his yoga camps, attended by thousands of participants from all parts of the country, he emphasizes on doing eight Prāṇāyāmas (1.bhastrikā 2. kapālabhāti, 3. bāhya/ agnisāra, 4. ujjāyī, 5. anulomaviloma, 6. bhrāmarī, 7. udgītha, 8. praṇava), some sūkṣma (light) vyāyāmas; and some specific āsanas for various ailments, as also some simple home remedies and āyurvedic medicines. Within a short span of time the results of yoga and āuyrvedic therapy have not only been encouraging but also astounding. People have taken to yoga in a big way; they are doing it under the guidance of yoga teachers trained and certified by Swamiji’s Patañjali Yogpeeth, and watching and following it on various Indian TV channels, like AASTHA, ZEETV, STAR, SAHARA etc. People are learning yoga from the CDs, DVDs, audio-video cassettes prepared by the yogpeeth, Swamiji has tried to explain the Yogasūtras of Patañjali in simple Hindi in his book Yogadarśana.
With a view to giving concrete shape to his dreams Swamiji, first of all, founded Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) in 1995 at Kankhal, Hardwar, Uttarakhand, India, which was followed by Meditation Centre at Gangotri in the Himalayas, Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya, Divy Pharmacy, Divya Prakashan, Divya Yog Sadhana, Patañjali Yogpeeth (Trust) in Delhi in 2005, Patañjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar, Mahashaya Hiralal Arsh Gurukul, Kishangarh Ghaseda, Mahendragarh, Haryana, Yog Gram and recently Bharat Swabhiman (Trust) in Delhi.

While yoga will take care of physical, mental and spiritual health, the downslide, in social, political and economic system of the country will be salvaged only through the patriotic zeal, fearlessness and strong character, of which he himself is a living example. Recently he has launched Bharat Swabhiman Movement which encompasses all the ground realities of the Indian social, political and economic scene. He has given a clarion call to the people to come forward and save the country and the democracy. He wants to see an addiction-free, vegetarian, corruption-free India, proud of its swadeshi products. His mind may be soaring in the ethereal spheres of spiritualism, but his feet are firmly planted on earth where he is very much alive to the mundane concerns such as treatment/ enrichment of soil, cow breeding/cow protection, cleaning the Ganga etc.
For his epoch-making work various honours/ honorary doctorates by universities have been conferred on him in India and abroad. On the invitation of Secretary General of U.N.O., Swamiji has led the stand up programme to pass resolution against poverty eradication from the whole world, at United Nation Organisation's head-quarter in New York, on 15 october 2006.

Ācārya Balkrishna, a great scholar of Āyurveda, sanskrit language and grammar, and the Vedas, was born to Smt. Sumitra Devi and Shri Jay Vallabh.
A simple and unassuming versatile genius, he is the chief architect of the visionary planning of Swami Ramdev. Equally well versed in Yoga and Āyurveda, he is an able and sincere collaborator in all the projects and ventures launched by Swami Ramdevji, ever since their chance meeting in the Gangotri caves.
Balkrishnaji studied Sāṅkhya yoga, Āyurveda, Sanskrit language, Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī, Vedas, Upaniṣads and Indian philosophy under the guidance of Ācārya Shri Baldevji in the Gurukul at Kalwa (near Jind, Haryana) and obtained his postgraduate (Ācārya) degree from, Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi.
During his journey and austere penance in the Himalayas he was able to explore four rare and extinct aṣṭavarga plants used as ingredients in the preparation of cyavanaprāśa, an āyurvedic tonic. He is also credited with discovering the sañjīvanī būtī of legendary fame. As the head of all the medical institutions and chikitsalayas (Hospitals and clinics) functioning under the aegis of Patañjali Yogpeeth he is mainly focused on the research and development of Āyurveda to make it complete successfully with the modern medical science. He has been able to cure lacs of patients at his Brahmakalpa Chikitsalaya of a number of stubborn, chronic and incurable diseases like diabetes, rheumatism, osteo-arthritis, gout (rheumatism and arthritis), migraine, cervical spondylitis, respiratory disorders, asthma, cancer, nervous disorder, heart disease, brain diseases, etc. Yoga and Āyurveda have combined wonderfully in the treatment of these diseases at a very nominal/ affordable price.These successful treatments have been documented by Ācāryaji in his renowned book: Yoga In Synergy With Medicial Science. Another very popular book written by him is Aushadh Darshan, a handy pharmacopeia of ayurvedic and home remedies.
At the Department of Medical Science In Yoga & Āyurveda at Patañjali Yogpeeth, Hardwar, he has got a team of 70 physicians to assist him. Besides, more than a thousand vaidyas (āyurvedic physicians) in India and abroad are treating patients under his guidance. With a view to ensuring the efficacy of āyurvedic treatment it was necessary to make pure and high quality medicines available to patients at an affordable price.
Ācāryaji took up the challenge and founded Divya Pharmacy where Āyurvedic medicines with national and international certifications are manufactured with modern packaging. To ensure that only genuine ingredients are used in the Divya Pharmacymedicines, Patañjali Herbal Park grows 450 medicinal plants (some of them very rare) under the overall supervision of Ācāryaji. As a part of swamiji’s Bharat Svabhiman Movement’s emphasis on using swadeshi goods, things of daily use like tooth powder, tooth paste, hair oil, soap, shampoo, beauty creams etc. are produced in Divya Pharmacy & Patañjali Ayurved Ltd. with Āyurvedic ingredients and Āyurvedic formulas.
Another aspect of his multi-faceted genius and personality is his knowledge and experience in the managerial, administrative and engineering fields, which has been admired by one and all in India and abroad. The awesomely impressive look and layout of Patañjali Yogpeeth buildings is a living testimony to his grand futuristic concepts.

His editorial skills can be seen in Yog Sandesh where as Chief Editor he is propagating yoga and āyurveda for the mental, physical and spiritual health of people. All his activities are inspired by this dictum of Bhagavad Gītā:"kāmaye duḥkhataptānāṁ prāṇināmārtināśanam".
Besides, he has edited/ collaborated/ authored books like Āyurved : Its Principles & Philosophies, Secrets Of Indian Herbs, Vitality Strengthening Astavarga Plants, Vaidika Nityakarma Vidhi, Yogadars´ana, Sant Darshan and Bhakti Gitanjali.
By devoting himself to the service of humanity in many ways, round the clock, he has become a true karmayogī.

Pillars of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust) & Patanjali Yogpeeth(Trust)

Swami Muktanand ji born in July 1956, in West-Bengal, Swami Muktananda is the Treasurer and Founder Trustee of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust). He is fully associated with all the activities of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust). He is a scholar of Sanskrit with attainment of higher proficiency in the subject. He is a post-graduate of Sanskrit and a graduate of science with Mathematics. He got his Sanskrit education in the prestigious Sanskrit Gurukul Kalva (Haryana) under the able guidance of well known guru (personality) in the field of Sanskrit, Acharya Baldev.
He had been teaching graduate and post-graduate classes of Sanskrit for more than seven years. He is well versed with the working of educational institutions. Presently he daily teaches Vedas other Sanskrit scriptures and Grammer to samnyasis and other scholars. He is keenly interested in spiritualism. He is an old and close associate of Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj. He is a nestik Brahamchari (samnyasis).                       He has very deep knowledge of herbs. Many times, he visits hilly tracks of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh for identification of herbs. He took part in investigation and research for identification of Asthavarg for years.
Swami Muktanand ji is actively participating in the production of medicines in Divya Pharmacy- a unit of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust). He has specialization in preparation of Chyavan Prash and Amrit Rasayan. He has more than fifteen years experience in preparation of medicines and identification of herbs.

  • To make a disease free world through a scientific approach to Yoga and Ayurveda.
  • To establish a new World Health Organisation, to fulfill the resolution of making a new world order free from disease and medicine, through research work on the knowledge-base of our great saints and sages viz. Maharishi Patanjali, Charak and Sushurut.
  • To establish with a scientific approach, Pran as medicine for the treatment of all curable and incurable diseases by research on Pranayam / Yoga.
  • To propagate Pranayam as a "free" medicine for the treatment of diseases round the globe, through in-depth research in accordance with the parameters of modern medical science, so that the rich and poor may avail its benefits in order to attain sound health.
  • Making the world a peaceful and tranquil place by using Yogic techniques to eradicate fatal effects of medicines and weapons.
  • To study and research subjects associated with Yajna, Organic Agriculture, Cow-Urine, Nature and Environment in addition to the study and research in Yoga and Ayurveda at the research centre of Institution .
  • To form a new integrated system of treatment, consisting mainly of the techniques of Yoga and Ayurveda, for Surgery and Emergency cases, Allopathy, Homeopathy, Unani and Acupressure to soothe patients suffering from unbearable pains and rid them of disease.
  • To evaluate methods of treatment of Physical Body, Etheric Body, Astral Body, Mental Body and Causal Body beyond the present incomplete system of treatment for cure of physical body alone.
  • To begin degree and diploma courses for students in disciplines of Yoga and Ayurveda.
  • Besides imparting Yoga and health education, to set up an equalitarian society based on values of spiritualism, nationalism and justice beyond the boundaries of cast, creed, class and religion for the country's development.
  • To create an environment in departments of Education, Health, Forces, Administration, Industry and Business to inspire them to adopt Yoga as a regular & necessary practice.
  • To establish India as the strongest Economic and Cultural power in the world to provide an atmosphere for every citizen of the world to live with pride.
  • For realisation of dream of healthy, strong, prosperous and advanced India, far from caste, creed, class, religion, region, corruption and violence through Yoga.
  • To provide absolutely free lodging, boarding and free treatment for the economically weaker sections of society.
Objectives of Divya Yog Mandir (Trust)
  1. The main aim of the trust would be to impart the practical and functional training of Astang Yog, Raj Yog, Dhayan Yog, Hath Yog, Ashan and Prananyam etc. as received from the ancient tradition propounded by the Rishies and Munis to make an end of extreme sufferings to cure diseases and to receive a calm stage of mind and extreme happiness.
  2. To construct the building etc. for boarding and lodging for those who are interested in Yog training and meditation.
  3. To organize yoga camps in the country and abroad in order to propagate the yoga training and the Vedic dharma.
  4. To open and establish charitable hospitals for the treatment of the helpless poor out caste and also to distribute free medicines, cloths and food articles in the trible areas.
  5. To furnish and equip the charitable hospital with modern medical facilities.
  6. To carry out research on yoga, ayurved and Vedic literature and also to organize scholarly seminars and competitions.
  7. To prepare and to sale and purchase of the Ayurvedic medicines for the charitable hospitals, hospitals colleges, schools and for the social and Yogic activities of the trust.
  8. To make an arrangement for the study of the Veds, the Geeta, the Philosophy, the Upnishadas, Grammer and Yogic scriptures for character building moral cultural upliftment.
  9. To prepare missionaries and facilitate them and sensitizes people for uprooting jealousy, hate, evils, injustice, tyranny and heavenly this on earth by keeping above the communalism, castism and the feeling of sex, creed.
  10. To run the free educational centers and to facilitate the worthy poor helpless orphans students by providing clothes, food, study materials and lodging.
  11. To establish and run a stables for the poor cows to save them from the victimization and killings.
  12. To carry out researches or agani hotra and perform scientific yajnas in order to solve the serious problem of environmental pollution of the modern age.
  13. To give award and certificates to the trainees who undertake weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly and annually Yog and Acupressure training.
  14. To help and co-operate the relief activities related to flood, earthquake, epidemic drought etc.
  15. To co-operate other such institutions and organizations which match or aims and objectives, and order to fulfill these aims and objectives to accept the donating of money, land etc.
Objectives of Patanjali Yogpeeth (Trust)
  1. To achieve complete eradication of all the sorrows, physical illness, mental peace and attainment of bliss, received from our ancestral sages through Ashtang Yog, Raj Yog, Dhyan Yog Hath Yog, Aasan and Pranayam etc. Giving practical training so that research and medical experiments can be done on the effect of Yog on mind and body and to spread the ancient science of Ayurved by using modern techniques. All types of medicinal and treatmental experiment, research and yog and by building a disease free society for the enriched nation through ayurvedic treatment.
  2. Organizing and advertising the Yog Ayurved camps, seminars and meetings through out the world.. To build a healthy world through indigenous food, pure food, herbs. Preservation of Indian culture through development and research, in Ayurved. We are going to build Trusts & branches all over the world so that this mission will reach to the every nook and corner of the world. We will associate ourselves to those organizations which are currently working in this field so that we will be able to move forward under one banner.
  3. To promote completely modern research centre and treatment facilities for all curable and incurable diseases, solution of mental diseases, naturopathy, Acupressure and Ayurved etc. based on ancient art so that the distressed human society will get maximum pleasure from the treatment.
  4. To provide and distribute free medicine, clothes food items etc to helpless, poor, downtrodden and underprivileged people and tribal areas. To open special medical camps and hospitals equipped with modern medical facilities.
  5. Free and religious Pharmacy, yogic and social duty of Schools and Trusts, research on Yog and Ayurved and conduct and supply to institutional and social activities. To establish a well equipped pharmacy for the manufacturing of ayurvedic medicine so that it will speed up the public service. Sale and purchase of the medicines. To get loans from the cooperative society to meet the goal of organization. To construct one of the biggest laboratory for the research work.
  6. To grow different kinds of herbal medicines through preservation of different categories of species. Conservation, preservation, and different kind of medicinal gardens for it. Construction of green house etc. For the promotion and conservation of herbal medicine a cooperative institution will be formed for the farmers to sow herbal medicines. To generate employment and to increase the purchasing power of farmers and to sale purchase medicines for manufacturing pure medicines.
  7. Character building, moral upliftment and knowledge of culture ,awakening of national pride , equitable society, arrangement of study and teaching of Veda, Geeta, philosophy, upnisad, grammar for the welfare of world .To provide daily weekly, fortnightly, monthly , trimonthly and yearly training to the students of Yog and giving them certificates and prizes. To help them professionally for the healthy and wealthy development of nation. Conducting and constructing institution to spread Indian spiritual knowledge in the world.\
  8. To end existing social jealousness and hate, bad deeds, vulgarity, characterlessness, injustice and atrocities. To spread Yog, Ayurved patriotism and create missionaries so that one can rise above communal disparity, caste, creed apartheid to make heaven on earth.
  9. To organise personality development camps, exhibition, country wide travel, anniversaries of great people and different progrrammes for students and teachers to instill human values, moral upliftment and patriotism.
  10. Publication of different monthly, fortnightly and yearly magazines and writing and publication of research books on nationalism, spiritualism, Yog, Ayurved and arrangement of publication, reprinting, original writing, compilation and to spread these Vedic ancient treatise among the general public. To establish a printing press.
  11. To open the free of cost educational institute in rural and backward areas for the females and children below 12 years of age. To open medical and engineering institutes in the area of below 5 lakh population. To open training and vocational institutes in such areas. To establish employment oriented training institutes for. development and establishment of Yog and Ayurved based medicinal studies particularly for eligible, educated unemployed and helpless people so that they can realize the dreams of medicine free society by spreading Yog and Ayurved, herbal medicine in every nook and corner of the world.
  12. To provide food clothes, education and hostel facilities and organization of educational centers for the poor, helpless and underprivileged student’s. To provide scholarship to eligible and poor students so that they can be encouraged to grow.
  13. To establish cow shelters for the preservation and conservation of weak cows from slaughtering. To encourage people to keep cows and develop their breed. To conduct medicinal research on the curd ghee, cow urine, cow dung for the need of health.
  14. To help people in relief works during flood, earthquake, starvation etc. And to provide complete medicinal facilities and monetary resources free of cost for the development of infrastructure.
  15. To perform scientific Yajna for the elimination of environmental pollution to do research on agnihotra and on effect of pollution related diseases on body.
  16. To do research and spread the uses of non conventional energies like biogas solar energy, gobar gas particularly in rural areas.
  17. Establishing schools to develop such system of education which incorporates education with Indian culture that will take care of nations economic social and spiritual needs and to work in tandem with such institutions already existing.
  18. To develop technology for preparing pesticides from cow urine, leaves of Neem Tulsi and herbs so that to protect environmental from pollution and land infertility which is occurring due to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. To research on such methods of bio farming, agriculturisation, bermi compose so that bio fertilizers can be used extensively.
  19. Construction of tube well pump set pipe line, water tank in the water deprived rural areas. To do research on conservation and preservation of water sources.
  20. To provide health facilities in rural areas for the females and childs. Construction of school to enlighten people related to health needs and education particularly to weaker section of the society.
  21. To construct roads highway in rural areas where we still do not have pucca roads. To develop a plan to prevent road accidents and make a plan to help accident victims.
  22. To prepare a plan for the conservation and preservation of national natural resources, water, increasing the fertility of land, tree plantation to get rid of pollution Greenery and sowing of herbs, and mass movement to encourage people to do this.
  23. To establish blood bank for the military men and for the whole humanity particularly for the weak and poor. To organize blood test camps, to provide blood and to encourage society for free blood donation.
  24. Organization of group marriage for the marriageable poor and orphaned girls and to help them in establishing their house. To help such organization in doing so.
  25. To encourage different media organization (print or electronic), phone fax mail etc. for the promotion of Yog Sadhna and training to work for the goal of accomplishment of disease less corruption free India.
  26. Collection and preservation of Indian archeology and ancient heritage, construction of archeology museums library, etc. organization of exhibition and all that work which is necessary for the security of culture.
  27. To make a plan for the preservation of dumb animals and to make program for the reserves of such animals where they can roam freely. And to attempt for the help from government and organization which are working in this field.
  28. Provision of free of cost food and house to the economically weaker section of the society.
  29. Raising of funds, accepting donation and gifts to realise these goals. To do business and arrangement of loans from different financial institutions. Loans from Bank and mortaging the assets to re-pay the loan
The Path

An Outlook On Life

Surrender yourself into the hands of God while observing complete restraint on your body senses and mind. Whatever then happens in your life shall be auspicious....there shall be spontaneous attainment of success, accomplishment and Samādhi in your life.
Work Philosophy
The objective of our life is to believe in the Supermacy of the power of Guru and the power of God to worship the Nation-deity through disciplined hardwork, and to discharge our righteous actions and duties with complete dedication, competence unsparing endeavour and enterprise (aggressiveness). Always staying calm and devoid of an arrogance, by accepting that the knowledge, prosperity, success, accomplishment, kingdom, affluence, glory - all these achievements of our life are bye the grace of Guru and God, this is our work philosophy.
The Five Vows
God has choosen me for self redemption and for welfare of the world.
Life has got before it a very sublime goal of service to the nation and service of mankind.
I will never assess myself disparagingly.
I will maintain a perennial flow of noble sentiments in my life.
I will live as a cautious and vigilant representative of my Guru, God and nation.

The Five Targets
  1. 100% voting.
  2. 100% natinalistic thinking.
  3. 100% total boycott of foreign companies, and complete support to swadeshi.
  4. 100% organization of patriots.
  5. To make a healthy, prosperous and cultured Bharat by developing a 100% yoga - practicing Bharat.
The Seven Norms of Good Conduct
  1. Vegitarianism
  2. Addiction - free
  3. Healthy
  4. Competent
  5. Dedicated
  6. Non-political life
  7. Commitment to devote at least two hours daily to yoga and national interest
The Seven Norms of Nationalism
  1. Nationalism
  2. Enterprise
  3. Transparency
  4. Foresight
  5. Humanitarianism
  6. Spiritualism
  7. Humility

Word Of Wisdom

Life is the greatest blessing of God. Our birth as a human being is the greatest gift of God. To live life for trivial pursuits is an insult to life. If we make full use of our potential, we can become great persons, apostle and super persons.
Everybody has good and bad qualities. By getting linked to yoga, bad qualities are eliminated, and good qualities are enhanced.
I am the representative of God.
My brain is endowed with the radiance, intellect, insight and discerning power of a brāhmaṇa.
I am the immortal son of Mother Bhārati, ‘‘Mātā bhūmih putrohaÅ prthivyāh”.
Persons given to hatred, slander, envy and jealousy are always haunted by the fear that somebody who is the object of their hatred may not start hating and slandering them.
My God exists within the soul of every creature. I am, first and foremost, the son of Mother Bhārati and thereafter a renunciant (saÅnyāsī), householder, actor, employee, officer or businessman.
"idaÅ rāṣṭrāya idanna mama,"-this life of mine is for the sake of my nation.
A fault-finder likes to look inside and out of the life of others, but does not want to look inside and out of himself.
I am always in the Lord, and my Lord is always in me.
I am fortunate to be born in this sacred land country.
I will worship Mother Bhārati with the flower he remains immersed in his noble actions.
Knowledge does not mean merely knowing; it is rather identifying yourself with something.
There should be firmness, not stubbornness; bravery, not rashness, compassion, not weakness.
The fire of determination burns inside me incessantly.
The path of my life is always illumined.
Always keep your face happy and smiling. Give happiness to others, and you will get happiness.
All the four sacred shrines lie in the feet of parents. Parents are the God on this earth.
Adopt the culture of worshipping your mother, your father, your teacher, and your guest;- “ mātrdevo bhave, pitrdevo bhava, ācāryadevo bhava, atithidevo bhava”.
Never forget your past; remembering our past saves us from going wrong.
If we keep remembering our childhood and our mother’s womb, we can never be ungrateful to our parents.
If one remembers one’s past, one shall find one’s feet firmly planted on earth even after making sky-high achievements.
A person wasting his time in slandering and applauding somebody is simply an object of pity, merly childish.
Happiness comes from inside, not from outside.
God always gives us more than our capability, deserts and industry.
Ayurveda is a safe medical system linked to our soil, our culture and our nature.
We believe in the culture of bringing about changes by our conduct, not by more preaching.
Sweet and effective speech originates from the purity of thinking.
By dint of thoughts I can turn every defeat into victory.
If a person can become characterless by impure thoughts, he can also culturally refined by pure and noble thoughts.
Not to burn in the fires of malicious indignation on being slandered, and always keeping one self stable and equanimous,- this indeed is the basis of progress.
The cause of our happiness-unhappiness is not other persons or circumstances but our own good and bad thoughts.
Ideological impoverishment is the cause of unhappiness, want, pain and degradation of the country.
Ideological firmness is of critical importance for the happiness, prosperity and development of the country.
Our living in this world and going from this world,- both should be glorious.
Good health is our birth-right.
A person should not lose heart till his last breath. Our mind is not purified without doing an act of service, and the essence of Supreme Soul is not realized without purity of mind.
Worship the character, not the picture of a person. Food determines the nature and temperament of a person.
Vegetarian food gives you calm temperament. Non- vegetarian food makes you hot-headed.
Our inner self is infested with tainted and polluted thoughts. It can be refined only by the practice.
This body is a shrine, a śіvālaya. This body is a temple of God.
Eat seasonal, limited and favourable food. (rtabhuk, mitabhuk, hitabhuk), Make your body healthy by consuming pure and simple, balanced and wholesome food.
Man is vegetarian by nature. His anatomy is that of a vegetarian creature; it is a scientific truth.
You have in you the immense capacity, strength and energy to make the impossible possible.
With your prowess, valour and courage you can write a new history on the sands of time.
Time is wealth. Time never pardons a person who does not respect Time, does not keep pace with Time.
Be non-discriminating everywhere. Treat every body equally, but it is not always possible.
There is no religion greater than national ethos, and there is no god greater than nation-deity. National interest reigns supreme.
Ayurveda, naturotherapy and yoga, which have no harmful side-effects, shall be re-established in our land of rsis (sages and seers).
That nation cannot be well-protected where the badership is lacking in enterprise, humility, transparency and foresight.
Insult of woman is insult of mother. The real beauty of a woman is not in her body, but in her modesty.
Using a foreign language as your national language is a matter of utter shame and humiliation.
The doom of that society or nation is inevitable where the noble are not revered and respected, and of education is a nationalist.
One who is resolved for full development and research of indigenous medical systems like yoga,ayurvedaunanisiddha, etc. is a nationalist.
One who loves Indian languages and the national language, and accords the highest place to the national language is a nationalist.
One who does not use in his daily life foreign items manufactured with zero technology is a nationalist.
Love a hundred year long life of action; this is the only noble path of life. Action is religion.
Worship your God with your action. Action is worship.
Bliss is attained through constant self-introspection and awakening the supreme intellect.
"vasudhaiva kutumbakam"-The whole world is my family before being Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, etc., we are all human beings, and God the Supreme Lord, is the father of all of us.
Let us say with pride that we are one.
We are not the supporters of sectarianism and provincialism; we are the supporter of nationalism, humanitarianism and spiritualism.
My throbbing, pulsations and breaths are for the sake of motherland.
A noble person lives by this ideal be carefree, be busy, be contented.
If the bloodbath in this world can be prevented by any measure, it is the astānga (eight-limbed) yoga.
One who does not love the land, culture, civilization and people of this country, and does not feel proud should accord the topmost priority to national interest.
The history of the whole world is witness to the fact that when crores of people of a country launch a movement, the systems, ruling powers and history undergo a change, and the impossible becomes possible.
To encourage alcohol responsible for the deaths of millions of people does not mean protection of human rights and freedom.
If we are sensitive we can liberate millions of sick persons from pain and suffering.
These traders and liquor mafia guilty of the death of the people of our country and children of crores of people should be tried for murder, and put behind the bars or sentenced to death.
It is a crime to vote in a drunken state.
We will not govern, but will not tolerate exploitation in the name of governance.
My political ideology is-all-party and no-party (independent). In all the parties, those who are noble and men of untainted character are my own;- that is why I am all-party. And in all the parties there are quite corrupt, dishonest and characterless persons with whom I have got nothing do;- that is why I am no-party (independent).
Unity is strength. When stones are put together a building is erected. When threads are woven together cloth is made, and when limbs and organs unite our body is made.
When the corrupt can forge a unity, why can good and noble persons not unite and put an end to.
The interest of the patient has topmost priority: the day this principle gains acceptance in the field of health-care all clashes and conflicts between systems of medicine will come to an end, and destructive debate will be replaced by creative dialogue.
Instead of hankering after liberation and heaven, do some action.
Don't either be a sick person or a pleasure-sicker; be a yogī.
Brahmacarya (celibacy) is the only means of self-preservation against the devastation of prāma (life-breath) and mind in this world full of sensual temptations.
Active meditation means- Be always awake, always vigilant, always natural and spontaneous, always discerning. Shedding away of ego is dedication.
We have a glorious, hoary past harking back to 1,96,08,53,109 years.
Vairāgya (non-allatchment) is not escapism, but the climax of discernment (viveka).
Neither an escape from life, nor a fear of death; we have to maintain equanimity;- this is yoga. Living life with non-attachment without having any desire for the fruit of your action is saÅnyāsa (sacraments).
That which makes you realize the truth and emancipates you from falsehood is satsaÆga (noble company/ assembly).
Faith is mother, belief is father; faith (śraddhā) is the feeling of divine knowledge. Faith is the attachment of true knowledge and a stepping-stone to supreme peace.
One should not misuse one's strength, insult knowledge and doubt trust.
Skepticism in life is like virus in the computer. It is on the foundation of formative influences (saÅskāras) that the edifice of life and the empire of the world is built.
To live in the present only is yoga.
Balance/ equilibrium is the eternal principle of world and life. Balance itself is health. All disorders stem from physical and emotional imbalance, unrestraint, irregularity and extremes.
The concept of complete health can be realized only through yoga and āyurveda.
yogī should never think of himself as destitute, miserable helpless and forlorn.
My action is my religion.
I am not an individual; I epitomize the whole nation.
My Lord has endowed me with a legacy of patience like about of earth, radiance like that of Fire, speed like that of Wind, coolness like that of Water, and vastness like that of Sky.
National ethos is the greatest religion. Nation-god is the greatest deity, and loving the nation is the love of the highest order.
National interest is the topmost priority. The nation is everything to me.
Mistakes should not be repeated; their repetition hinders the progress, and spiritual strength is debilitated.
We should give religion a form which is acceptable and peace by re-establishing on this earth the culture of ancient sages and seers (rsis) through yoga movement.
It's paradise on the land of Bharat; its water is elixir. Every child is brave Bhagat Singh, and every sister is Jhansi Ki Rani.
Only those persons can be true disciplinarians, rulers or leader who have in their temperament the tenderness of a flower and the firmness and hardness of thunderbolt.